Pickleball has exploded in popularity. While it is often compared to tennis, the two could not be more different. The planned Cypress Green amenity center will offer opportunities to try your hand at both. With that in mind, let’s dive into the pickleball vs tennis debate and explore what makes each sport unique.

Court Size and Layout

One of the most noticeable differences between pickleball and tennis is the court size. A tennis court is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide for singles (36 feet for doubles). A pickleball court is 44 feet long and 20 feet wide for both singles and doubles. The advantage for those playing pickleball is that a smaller court makes the game more accessible, especially for those with limited mobility or less stamina. It also means faster gameplay and shorter distances to cover.


Both games are played with racquets and balls but that is where the similarity ends. Tennis players use larger, stringed racquets and felt-covered tennis balls. Pickleball players use solid paddles that are similar to oversized ping-pong paddles and plastic balls with holes. The pickleball paddle and ball combination allows for a different style of play, with less emphasis on power and more on control and strategy.

Gameplay and Scoring

While both sports involve hitting a ball over a net, the rules and scoring systems differ. Tennis is scored 15, 30, 40, game (with deuce and advantage). Serves must land in the service box diagonally across the court. Players can hit the ball on the volley anywhere on the court. Pickleball is scored by the serving team only and games typically go to 11. Serves must be made underhand and land in the diagonal service court. There is a non-volley zone (“the kitchen”) near the net where volleys are prohibited

Physical Demands

Both sports offer excellent exercise, but the physical demands differ. Tennis generally requires more endurance, speed and overall fitness due to the larger court size and longer rallies. Pickleball is less physically demanding, making it more accessible to a wider range of ages and fitness levels. However, it still provides a great workout, especially for reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

Learning Curve

Tennis typically requires more time to develop the necessary skills for enjoyable gameplay, especially serving and groundstrokes. The smaller court and slower ball speed in pickleball make it easier for newcomers to rally and enjoy the game quickly.

Social Aspects

Both sports offer great social opportunities, but pickleball has gained a reputation for its particularly social nature. Pickleball games are often played as doubles, encouraging more interaction. The smaller court size in pickleball facilitates conversation during play.

Pick Your Court and Your Home in Cypress Green

If you are ready to find your dream home, why not head to Cypress Green? Our builders offer a range of home choices with many move-in-ready homes available. Once you’ve chosen your home, choose your sport. Or, if you are game, why not try both?